
Glitter War: April Fools Edition

Day 92-Apr 1: Desi, Keera, and I got Elaine really good today. We called her out of the office and as she came out Keera poured a whole thing of red glitter on her, then as she turned around to go back in the office, Desi poured a whole thing of yellow glitter on her! Haha. The glitter wars continue. We couldn't think of a good April Fools prank, so we just got her with glitter instead. I was the only one with camera so I stood back and took pictures.

Day 91-Mar 31: I'm so excited, I'm going to Mania this Saturday while Russell goes to Priesthood session! I've been dying to find time to scrapbook and I'm finally going to get to. A couple of employees and some of our good customers are coming so it should be tons of fun. This picture is my pile of stuff to take with me. So far the plan is to get a President Hinckley page, a silly wedding picture page, an alarm clock page, the cover for the 365-Day book, and Russell's graduation pages all done on Saturday, but I doubt I will do that all! We'll see how it goes.


Melanie said...

Oh how much I miss Glitter Wars. It was always funner to do it to others than have it done to yourself!