
Jumpin' Monkeys

Another game we got in our box, courtesy of Cooper, was Jumpin' Monkeys. She found the game at Walgreen's and HAD to have it for Russell. Because he is a monkey I guess. Ever since he wanted the monkey bathroom set he is just known for monkeys to my little sisters. Anyway, little did Cooper know, we had seen the game at K-Mart a few weeks ago and Russell WANTED it!!!! Haha. He loved it. It's actually a really fun kids game. You have to catapult all your monkey's into the tree first to win each round and the banana pile for that round. Four rounds are played. And......I shut Russell out!!! Haha! I am the Jumpin' Monkey's Champion! The best part about the game though is that the youngest player starts each round by yelling "Jumpin' Monkey's!" That was my job, and I think I did it well! Thanks Coop!