
Getting Ready

So....I'm trying to go through the things we have gotten or been given for the baby and make a list of things we still need. I think we've got the big things under control...still need to buy the stroller/carseat and crib mattress. However.....I'm trying to think of the small things that maybe I've forgotten.

So....if you read my blog and have had a baby leave me a comment if there's something you wish you would have had and didn't think about before the baby came!


Unknown said...

K, so a few things that I have loved are:
1. Baby Bjorn carrier (one where the baby is upright in the front)
2. A sleeping wedge has really helped Hailey get used to the big crib and has helped with spitting up-it keeps her head slightly elevated and then there are things on the side that keep her nice and cozy.
3. Bibs are nice to have to save the cute outfits from being spit up on the moment you put them on:-)
Thats about all I can think of right now..I do have a book suggestion though if you are interested in some good reading material before the baby comes- yo may have read it already but its called "The Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg