
40 Weeks - Same Song, Six Millionth Verse

At the doctor on Wednesday everything was pretty much the same. Seems like we've got a stubborn little one on our hands (I have NO CLUE where she could get that from....haha). She is a little lower, but nothing to write home about, and he did put me down at 1cm, but said it was a stretch. I think he was trying to keep me positive!

The good news, however, is that he is using the 22nd as my due date still, instead of the 29th! Which means if I make it till my appointment next Tuesday (which hopefully won't happen...cross your fingers) they will do an ultrasound and non-stress test and then hopefully set up a time to be induced.

Other than that, it's the same old, same old around here. I don't sleep, I'm constantly starving, and my lower back has really started to hurt. But hey, it all comes with the territory right? Russell asked me if I ever wanted to be pregnant again last night and I didn't even have to think about it. Of course I do. We can't only have one hooligan around here! But....I am ready for a break from having someone inside of me.


Anonymous said...

you're very cute when you're pregnant - at least that's one positive!

Unknown said...

I like your positivism (I think thats a word..) When I was in the last weeks with Hailey, I probably would have said I never wanted to be pregnant again. After I had her and recovered I was already passed that phase though and thinking okay, I guess I could go through a couple more pregnancies- once the baby comes its all worth it :-) okay..maybe after recovery too. Good luck though I hope she comes soon!

Debora said...

Hang in there- glad you got some sleep- (I read the other post too :)Did you get a little blanket from me? Sounds like your mom is coming there when the baby comes.