
Six Week Stats

Eden had her 6 week check-up today, and she's growing just great! She's a pretty average girl, here's her stats:

  • 9 lbs 10 oz - 50th percentile
  • 21.3 inches long - 50th percentile
  • 37 cm head - 25th percentile
She coos a lot more these days, which is fun. And...she has started only waking up one time each night. Perfect!


Lyndsey said...

Once a night? That's insane! E just started that when he turned six months old. Not to mention his special screaming colic times from 5-8 pm and 4-7 am that we endured till he was three months old.

But you're right. Once a night IS perfect. I like hugging on him, so I don't mind it at all.

gravityguysgirl said...

You need the Lil Dolls dress...I'll look for the website.