
7 Months

Britain has turned the big 7 months and doesn't seem like my baby anymore. She is learning new things everyday, and has definitely become a chatterbox! We hear a lot about "da da da da" and "bob" is often around. That Bob guy sure gets all the ladies!

Britain gets around by rolling and scooting on her back. She loves to play tug of war with toys or blankets, have a bath, and get stepped on like a bug. She has started sitting up on her own, but only when she feels like it, which isn't very often! She also loves to read books and sing songs, just like her big sister. We've gone swimming a few times, and she really enjoys being in the water. Britain LOVES to stand up now, and wiggles in your arms until you put her on the ground and hold her hands so she can stand up. She continues to like baby food, and has even graduated to cheerios! Still no teeth, but luckily Cheerios dissolve quickly in saliva!

Britain has definitely started fighting for attention. If she wants to be seen she will squeal/grunt really loudly until someone pays attention to her. Mostly we just laugh though because she goes from really quiet to SUPER loud within a second and you never know when she will do it!