
Sketches Software Idea

So.....I get a lot of scrapbooking ideas late at night and I have finally gotten around to having a stack of 5x7 notecards next to my bed so that I can wake up and sketch out my idea. I also have found that I love to sketch out the whole idea I have for a page and take that little card to the crop. It eliminates a lot of downtime at the crop sitting and thinking about what I want to do. I'm not the first one with the idea to do sketches, Becky Higgins has that covered. My thought though, is it would be great to have some software that I could make up my sketches on and print them off. Just black and white sketches, with outlines of where the pictures, cardstock, and embellishments would go, with everything proportionate (which I am not good at when drawing). Then, the ability to label these things like (blue buttons, or gingham ribbon) so that I remember my exact ideas. A drag-and-drop thing would be great, and then the ability to rotate things so that everything doesn't have to be 90 degree angles. Hmmmm......I don't know if I did a good job explaining, but hopefully you have a little bit of an idea. Now I just need to find a way to make the software and get it sold!