
An English Treat!

Day 154-June 2nd: We got a box from my mom today that we had been waiting and waiting for. In that box were Blue Mints!!!! My dad just went on a trip to Europe and these mints are one thing he always has to bring back. We loved them when we lived in England, and now we only get them when dad takes a trip. They are kind of like Mentos, only a million times better! We also got Ticket to Ride:Nordic Countries in the box, which we promptly played two times tonight. It's actually the hardest of the series I think, but maybe it will get easier when we are more familiar with the map. Thanks dad for going on a quest in Norway to get it for us! (It's only sold over there, and we were so excited when dad said he was going for business!)

Day 153-June 1st: Wow, it's already June! I spent the day mostly at the store doing inventory, it was time for cutting, ready-to-make, stationery, and miscellaneous (whatever that means). There were six of us there and we had a good time, as much as you can when doing inventory I guess. I was in charge of doing the computer stuff though, which was kind of stressful. As I was scanning about 2000 products, I kept thinking "oh crap, what if I pushed the wrong button on the last entry." I did NOT want to spend another two hours scanning everything again. But, luckily it turned out fine. So here I am, with my new best friend, the Percon machine. I thought I was more in front of my desk when Elaine took the picture, but instead we got all the wires for the phone and internet and things! Haha. Elaine says it looks like my job is very technical now.