
Our New Home

Here's some pictures of our new home. Things are mostly put together now, but we still have a few things to figure out. We've had to go buy some storage solutions, a t.v. stand, etc. and it's taking a few weeks to have the money to get everything, but it's coming together nicely.

The living room - with a sliding door on the left out to a small patio.

The dining area. Not my favorite part of the house by far, but it's better than nothing.

The kitchen.

Master bedroom - I am washing the sheets!

The baby's room.

Another view of the baby's room....plus the ironing. UGH.

And finally.....the Loft! It's huge!

Most of the work still needs to be done in the loft, but for now it's livable.


Russell said...

Woah! That loft is huge. It looks like you need to get your husband some more board games though. I still see some empty walls.

gravityguysgirl said...

Or, scrapbooking stuff could be stored on the empty walls, or sewing stuff, or craft stuff.....of just a place to hang a husband when you are mad, or after he knocks himself out on the chandelier!

islandgirl said...

Hey, what are the red things on your countertop? Maybe if you can't paint the walls, make some wall quotes with that Quickutz of yours!