Eden is two and a half months old already! She's getting sooooo big. She is most happy in the morning after just getting up; she will coo and coo and smile and smile for about an hour and a half. She's also really happy in the bath, we just have to start running the water and she happy's right up! She likes to lay on the floor or couch and wiggle, and she's figured out how to kick enough to move from one end of her crib to the other during the night. And...she smiles and smiles when we come in to get her from her crib. And really, who can resist this smile?
Here's some pictures I took just after we went to our fancy photo shoot the other day. I love the ruffles!
I can't believe how big she is getting. She had to get four shots at the doctor today, and she did great. She cried a little, but once I picked her up she calmed down. However, I think it's bugging her because she has been quite fussy. Thank goodness for some Tylenol and naps! Here's her 10 week stats:
- 11 lbs 2 oz - 50th percentile
- 23.5 inches - 50th percentile
- 39 cm head - 50th percentile
That smile is tooo cute! And the ruffle diaper cover is adorable.
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