
18 Months

At 18 Months Eden is constantly on the go. She has started running, not just walking. She loves to color, and would stay outside all day every day if she could. As soon as we open the garage she goes and picks up her bucket of sand toys and starts walking to the "bark" (park). She loves to slide down the slide, spin on the spinny chair, and play in the sand. She loves to play with balls and cars, read books, and wear everyone's shoes around the house. Eden also likes to do puzzles, buckle anything that has one, and have Britain chase her around the house after baths every night. She LOVES bubbles and runs around trying to pop them when we go outside to blow some. She still likes to watch Sesame Street (although Mommy is getting pretty tired of the six we have taped!), but has added Word World onto the list of preferred entertainment while Mommy showers. Eden has loved exploring the new house. She loves to play upstairs, even though there's no toys up there, and she can't wait for the chance to get in our shower and open and close the door!

Eden loves to sing songs, and has learned the actions to a few including "Popcorn Popping" and "Once there was a Snowman." She knows where her hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, toes, knees, and elbows are and wants to point everyone's out when we ask her about them. She can count to three, but it goes "two, two, two." Her countdown at the top of the slide goes "two, two, go!"

She has also expanded her vocabulary quite a bit. She says ball, book, nose, mouth, eyes, go, "bark"(park), Britain, button, buckle, Dad, Mom, dout (a combo of down and out), bye, yes, no, ni-night, rock, and duck among others I can't think of right now. She also knows the sounds of a duck, cow, monkey, and lion.

Eden also is always blowing kisses or giving kisses and hugs (especially to Britain). She loves her little sister a lot (sometimes too much) and is always trying to give her a bottle or cover her up with a blanket.

Eden has gone to nursery for three weeks now, and overall it seems to be going well. She had a really hard time the second week, but did great last week! It's nice to only have to wrestle her for one hour instead of three while at church.

After the photo shoot we got to play at the park, and it's super fun when Stomp gets to go down the slide too!