
19 Months

Eden has hit 19 months and is getting more crazy each day! The good news is that she only had to get one shot at her checkup and is now done with them until Kindergarten! And as long as I don't think about her actually going to Kindergarten I'm okay. Here are her stats:

  • 31.7 Inches - 40th Percentile
  • 23 lbs 11 oz - 40th Percentile
  • 18.4 inch head - 50th Percentile
Her height is definitely slowing down, but her energy is not! Eden's vocabulary grows by the minute, it seems like everyday she starts saying a new word. At her checkup he asked how many words she could say and I told him 20+. He was amazed and said most 18-month-olds only know about 10. Then Russell and I counted that night and she actually was closer to 35.

Eden loves to go to the park, sing songs, and tickle everyone and everything. She is doing a great job going to nursery each Sunday, and has learned a new song that she sings but Mom and Dad don't know. She knows the actions to "Popcorn Popping," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," "Once there was a Snowman," and "I'm so Glad when Daddy Comes Home." She has figured out that we can play music throughout the house and so she will randomly go and point at the touch-screen and say "dance, dance, dance" and then dance all around to the music. She also likes to spin around with Daddy. She still loves to read books and play mommy to all her animals. She has a new-found love for Zoobles (thanks to a Happy Meal toy), so we can't go down that row at Target anymore. She LOVE, LOVE, LOVES to play catch with balls and would do it all day long.

Eden has 11 teeth and is working on two more. And....she finally has enough hair for pigtails!


Alison said...

What a cutie! Love the strawberry blond hair! :)