
20 Months

Eden has hit 20 months. I can't believe that in just four months she will be 2! She gets more adventurous every day, which has made getting any decent pictures of her quite the task. I only got one nice picture this time!

Eden loves to be outside, and enjoys playing with Lucy, Maddy, and Zac, who live within a couple houses of us. We usually play almost every afternoon, and we sometimes go to the pool together. Eden has become much more adventurous at the pool too. The first time she stayed right by the wall, but now she ventures all over the 1 foot section.

She loves to help us with the laundry, blow bubbles, and take walks. She loves robots, and likes to watch the cars and trucks drive around the neighborhood. She has done great with the transition from crib to toddler bed, and 98% of the time actually sleeps in her bed rather than on the floor!

Eden loves her baby sister, and can't wait to go and get Britain from her crib when she wakes up. She loves to play with her too, as long as Britain doesn't take any toys! We are still working on the sharing idea.