
Let Him In

The past two or three days I've been thinking a lot about how I can let the Savior be more involved in my life and let him help me with struggles I have. I think because of my perfectionist personality (which I hope my kids do not inherit) I want to do everything on my own and for myself which can really put a damper on life and make it stressful and seem a little hopeless. Today as I've had a few minutes to play songs about the Savior on the piano and listen to a few while I made dinner I've pondered what I can be doing to invite the Savior and Spirit into my life a little more and let them help me, even if it's just with the everyday grind of life. As I was making dinner I started listening to The Forgotten Carols by Michael McLean and the last two lines of a verse and the chorus of "The Innkeeper" really hit on how I have been feeling. They say:

He lets us choose each hour of each day,

If we’ll let him in to stay.

Let him in, Let him in,

Let the joy and hope begin.

Let him in, let him in,

Let the peace on earth begin.

And whether it be in your world today,

Or a crowded Bethlehem inn ,

Find a way, make him room,

Let him in, let him in,

Let the peace on earth begin.

Let him in, let him in,

Let the joy and hope begin.

Let him in, let him in,

Let him in, let him in.

So then as I continued to think while I made dinner I realized one way I can let the Savior in is to be better about my personal scripture study. Russell and I read from the scriptures we got for our wedding every night, but I haven't taken the time lately to read on my own and I think personal scripture study can give you insight you don't get anywhere else, thanks to the invitation you have given the Spirit to whisper a testimony to you when you simply open those scriptures and dive in. So my picture of the day is my scriptures, and I hope to be able to find a few minutes each day to sit down and read them so that I can rely more on my Savior's help to get me through this life and back to him rather than doing it on my own.