
Two More Days Including Heavenly Haircuts

Day 16 (Jan 16): By the time I got home from work last night I was super tired so I didn't post, but Russell did make for a good picture-of-the-day. Most nights he stays up and waits for me.....even if I don't get home from work until after midnight. Once or twice though, including last night, I come home to find my wonderful husband zonked out. I don't even think he notices he falls asleep!

Day 17 (Jan 17): Today I got a wonderful haircut! It's been 5 months since I had one and I could not wait any longer. I do however think that one side is a tad bit longer than the other, I can't figure out if it was just how it curled under or if it really is shorter. Then I gave Russell a much-needed haircut tonight and he looks great!


Lady in Waiting said...

I must say I don't think I have ever checked anyones blog more so than yours! I love this idea! maybe I should start one...