
Birthday Boy

My wonderful husband is 28 today!

I have loved every minute I have been able to spend with Russell so far. We’ve known each other for just over a year now and he amazes me every day. Here’s a few things about my sweetheart.

He loves to play board games and owns over 300. This year he has a goal to play all his games that he hasn’t played before and so far I believe we’re on track to accomplish the goal. Although the list does grow longer as he keeps buying new ones!

He loves his job at BYU making websites for Continuing Education. It’s been amazing to see him grow in the last few months since he started there. I remember he was pretty nervous the first days and weeks he was there and it’s been nice to see him become more comfortable in his position, get to know his coworkers, and even move up to the Tier 1 team! They even play board games during lunch now!

Mostly I just love him for who he is. I love how he can always make me laugh. I love how he helps me around the house. I love how patient he is….hopefully some will rub off on me! I love his creativity. I love his enthusiasm for everything he does. Mostly, I love being married to him and can’t believe I found such a wonderful man to spend eternity with. Happy Birthday Russell!