
A Few Days....Including Mario Kart

Day 124-May 3: I came home from work to find Russell and his mom working on getting her new computers networked for her store. But....I also found Mario Kart Wii on our kitchen counter! Thanks Mom! I enjoyed trying it out while they worked on computer stuff. Rachel and I even raced together. There's new tracks and motorcycles and you can play with people in other places over the Wii Wi-Fi network. It's awesome!!!

Day 123-May 2: We went to the temple tonight with Rachel and Russell's mom and it was great. The temple was super busy but it was a great opportunity to go before I have surgery again. Russell and I had been trying to find a time to go for several weeks but things kept creeping up on us or we were just too tired (I know, bad excuse). But we got there tonight and that's what matters. I love going to the temple. Sometimes I wish I could just stay there and not have to go back into the world and deal with everything that is going on. Hmmmm...maybe one of these days. The picture is of my cool temple bag that folds onto a hanger. Russell's mom loved it and ordered herself one.

Day 122-May 1: I went to look at more cars today after work, and the people were not nearly as nice as Brian from Saturn. The Toyota guy pressured me into driving a Jeep Cherokee over to his other lot to see if he had a Sienna or Rav4. Well....they only had super old Sienna's and the Rav4 had a flat tire which "we can't get someone out here to fix, so it's not drivable!" Baloney! Anyway, I left there promptly and went over to Honda. I drove a CR-V and an Odyssey. I like them except that the CR-V smelled like smoke and on both cars I could not see the front end when I drove so I kinda felt like I was going to run into something. So....the search continues.

Day 121-Apr 30: Russell's Mom got into town tonight and dropped by to unload. She brought us these dishes from Camille's wedding....16 place settings! That is wonderful news. We have just had the 4-place setting we registered for and then some plastic plates so it will be great to have some nice dishes. I think they will be everyday until we order the others we wanted from her store, and then they may become for special occasions, because who knows if I will ever have real china.


Unknown said...

Planning on getting a minivan?

Unknown said...

So, are you just replacing one of your cars, or downsizing into a single car family?