

Day 156-June 4th: Russell was helping his mom with her new Mac tonight. He was sharing her screen, which is pretty cool to do and talking to her through audio chat. It's fun to be able to hear her, it's like she's visiting us! Sometimes we do video chat, but it slows things up when they are sharing screens I guess. Anyway, I cleaned the kitchen while they were working, and then I realized I was really, really tired and just sat and watched them work till they were done!

Day 155-June 3rd: This is what Russell was doing at the moment I said "I don't have a picture of the day yet" and he responded "it can be me!" Haha. He loves to be the picture of the day, I think he wants to be it everyday! Those are the pj pants my mom made him for Christmas. He wears them every night.....in fact, it's hard to steal them to wash them!