
The Weekend

Day 160-June 8th: On Friday morning I burnt my thumb on my straightener. I picked it up to do my hair and then my hand slipped and my thumb ended up on the hot plate! The blister was just flat this morning and the same color as my thumb, but tonight it is back to white and puffy-up. I think I irritated it by shuffling cards for Ticket to Ride this afternoon!

Day 159-June 7th: Happy Birthday Sis! (a day late on my blog, but still a happy birthday!) Today we helped Rachel pack up some things in the Provo house since it sold! We spent a couple of hours helping her, and I adopted this bear from her. Can you believe she was going to take it to DI??? She's crazy! His name is Floppy and he is very, very floppy and snuggly. I slept with him last night and when I went to sleep with him at 9pm I figured Russell would move him when he came to bed, but apparently I had a good grip on him all night! Oops! So he was in the middle all night!