
4 Pictures of the Day and 1 Tired Shyla

Day 198-July 17th: Lately even if I'm starving, nothing sounds good to eat. Russell offered to take me to Sonic tonight, and even though I wasn't convinced we went. Once I got there though, and remembered how wonderful their root beer is....and the popcorn chicken with honey mustard, I was all good. Thank heavens for something that tasted good.

Day 197-July 16th: Today was my day off, and I'm not used to having weekdays off anymore, usually I have Saturday. Anyway....I didn't do much other than read this entire book! I've read the two books Russell bought me on Saturday already! I did go up and hang out with Holly, Julie, Shelley, and baby James for a while, and say hi to Russell at work. That was about all, I wasn't feeling good most of the day so it was rather lazy.

Day 196-July 15th: I cropped with Keera after work today, and we had a GREAT time! We have vowed to crop at least once a month. It's great to go on a weeknight because then we don't have to pay the mania fee....which means there's more money to spend on things from the store, right Russell? Keera worked on her book she started for Eric like a year ago, and I worked on some 4th of July pages. I got to use the tote Russell bought me for our anniversary too! It is awesome! And...we went on a field trip to Pebbles in My Pocket. Megan called us traitors, but we ignored her and went anyway.....and we got suckers while we were there too!

Day 195-July 14th: I hurt my knee when I went running today. I'm not quite sure how, but I noticed it hurting after I had rested and took a shower. Then it hurt more and more as I was up on it all day. Ugh. It's not bruised or swollen though, so I guess I will wait it out.


Lady in Waiting said...

I totaly have that book! Isn't it good!?