
More Pictures....Details Still Coming Soon

Day 209-July 28th: After work today we went to help Rachel finish moving into her apartment and moving Russell's mom's stuff into a storage unit. The new owners move into their house on the 31st. It will be weird not to stop by there anymore. It took a few trips, but we got Rachel all moved and found a place for everything that needed to be out of the house.

Day 208-July 27th: We stopped at Rachel's on our way home from the airport to pick up a book that was Russell's, and since Rachel is moving into her apartment she gave me her mac box! I LOVE mac boxes! They are perfect for storing scrapbook paper! (well, maybe not perfect, but perfect for someone who can't afford anything fancy!)

Day 207-July 26th: I left with a few things from the store, as always, and this neat cloth bag. You get a cloth bag if you spend over $50. I got a new teddy bear named Edison, some lotion, lemonade, sugar cookie mix, and a purse with little pins.