
Work it Out

Day 188-July 7th: Today I started working out for HEPE. I've needed a jump-start to get a workout program going, and HEPE might be just the thing since I have to to it for 6 weeks in the class. I decided for the class I would run Monday's and Wednesday's and do Aerobic Dance on the Wii Fit on Friday's. I think I might start using the bowflex on Tuesday's and Thursday's just because though. Or maybe I will run more than just two days a week. We'll see how it goes. I ran on the Wii Fit this morning, but I think I like running somewhere better than in one place, so I will try outside on Wednesday. I've got to go get an iPod thingy so I can listen to music while I run. Russell's gotten back into the working out too since we've got the Wii Fit. Although, he decided that the Wii Fit is not serious enough....which it probably isn't...so he's going to do the bowflex MWF and the Wii Fit TTH. That's the plan stan!