
Nap Time

Day 301-Oct 28th: This is very incriminating evidence of an afternoon nap. Was it worth it? Yes! I couldn't believe when I was at work, opening boxes, scanning, pricing, and almost falling asleep! I really, honestly, was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. I have no idea why I was so tired, I got the same amount of sleep and everything. So after work I came home and turned on Extreme Home Makeover (thanks to TiVo) and I was immediately asleep. Russell laughs at me all the time because as soon we turn on a show or movie I fall asleep. Haha, I don't know what it is, but the TV puts me right to sleep unless I am really trying to watch whatever is on.


Anonymous said...

ME TOO! I'm terrible about watching movies at home. Sound asleep in no time! Hahahaha.