
Warehouse Sales

Day 340-Dec 6th: Today was the Quickutz warehouse sale! We went up to see if there was anything great for the Silhouette in case I get one for Christmas :) Well.....they had some great deals too and I got several things, some of which Russell is holding hostage until Christmas. But I did get this Holly set for $30, which was awesome. And.....I learned how to etch glass with the Silhouette designs and vinyl! I can't wait to try it!

Day 339-Dec 5th: Ticket to Ride: The Dice Expansion! Russell stopped and got this at Board Game Revolution on his way home today. It's about a month late in being released, which has really been a LONG month for me. We played over the weekend and it makes the game TOTALLY different. We do prefer the original game, but it was fun.

Day 338-Dec 4th: Today Holly and I ventured to the American Crafts warehouse sale. Most of the scrapbook companies out here have warehouse sales once or twice a year and they have great, great deals. Holly found out about the sale and let me know, and we were off. I got all these great things. The best part was Thickers for $2!

Day 337-Dec 3rd: Today Russell got his present from the First Presidency. He is always so excited the day he gets it. Not many people get a present from the Prophet. This year is was this nice leather hymnbook, which matches the triple combination they gave last year. They gave the bible the year before he started working.....so our set might not ever be finished :(

Day 336-Dec 2nd: Today after work I worked on a project with Keera for a couple hours. When I went back to my desk to grab my coat and backpack, there was a box of christmas cards left for me on my desk! My secret Santa acted early! And...they spent a lot of time making me these cards. Thanks Santa!