
Dragon Slayer

So....Caleb says I should blog this story....hopefully Russell won't kill me.

The other night I was busy doing something and Russell asked me what we were doing on Saturday. I said, probably nothing except the Quickutz Warehouse Sale in the morning......oh yeah, and then homework, homework, homework. Then I asked him if there was something he needed to do and he replied.....oh, it's nothing important.

Well....a few minutes later the truth came out when I said something else, I'm not sure what. He said "well.....it's just that there's a couple guys who need me to help them kill at dragon at noon." (On World of Warcraft). Haha. He was concerned because it is going to take about an hour and didn't want to tell them he would help if we were going to be busy!

It makes me laugh every time I think about it.


gravityguysgirl said...

This from the guy that claims to LIKE dragons!!