
Finally Organizing

I haven't done a very good job utilizing my scrapbooking cubbies until now, but now I'm going to. We went to IKEA last night and I got three different containers to work with to see how I liked and what else I would need. Today I organized things in those boxes/baskets and then put everything else where I want it to go in each cubby, but without baskets or anything. Here's how it looks.

The full shot. I do have two empty cubbies hidden under the desk, but I'm sure they will have inhabitants at some point.

What I got at IKEA. The small blue box has printed pictures that I need to scrapbook. The large one has all my stickers and rubons. The cupcake pan on top will not be living there, I just need to finish that darn advent calendar. And the basket has all my adhesives. So far everything is working out pretty well.

The ribbons and buttons are sitting on top of the cubbies because I want to buy jars to put them in up there. One thing at a time though.

And this is the cool organizer Russell got me for Mother's Day. I don't have anything in the drawers yet, but I'm planning on storing whatever I'm currently working on in this.


Debora said...

I'm jealous- and I'll not post any pictures of my scrapbooking desk :)