
A Kick or a Punch

Today during work I was standing still for a minutes while opening some product to price it and all of the sudden I felt some weird fluttering down by the baby. All of the sudden I realized that must BE the BABY! If that's really what it was, that's the first time I've noticed it. So I went and told Clare because I was excited. She asked if I called Russell. Duh....why didn't I think of that? I guess I figured I'd just tell him tonight.

So I went back and called him. He was taking a nap in the car during his lunch break! I said "so.....I'm pretty sure I just felt the baby." And his response was "cool, did he kick you or punch you?" Haha. Not the response I expected. I think he was disappointed when I pointed out that the baby wasn't big enough for me to know if it was a kick or a punch. And.....I think I'm grateful that at almost 5 months the baby isn't that big because I'm sure that will come quickly enough.