
35 Weeks

I've been lousy about taking pictures of my progression, but lots of people are on my case so here you go! Definitely not the best picture of me. I was really tired and wearing my pj's, but I finally remembered to have Russell take one.

So what's happening at 35 weeks you ask? I'll tell you.

  • I now go to the doctor every week! It's crazy to think I'm to the point where she's almost here, but I can't wait!
  • My hands and feet are constantly asleep....apparently I have bad circulation or something. It gets quite annoying after about 10 minutes!
  • My hands and feet also hurt.....like it feels like the bone hurts, especially when I am sleeping. Weird. All I can think is that maybe I swell more at night and they get irritated.
  • She keeps moving and moving and moving. I'm not sure she ever is still! Must get that from her daddy!
  • And....I'm convinced she has a foot hooked around one of my ribs and I can't get her to move it.
Other than that, I am trying to get everything ready for her. I'm almost to the point where I want to wash her little clothes and hang them up. I went to Babies R Us today and got a few essentials we still needed so I'm feeling pretty prepared in the way of supplies. Now if we could only come up with a name!


Lady in Waiting said...

Oh my goodness this is crazy! I can't wait for her to be here!