
Eden's Blessing

Sunday we blessed little Eden at church. Luckily, Russell gave her the right name. Although, my threats to kill him if he didn't might have helped! It was a wonderful blessing, and she was beautiful in her dress. She slept through the whole blessing though. Oh well. Here's some pictures of the event.

All dressed and ready to go. Grandma Flanagan made her dress and Grandma Leslie made her blanket.

With Mommy before church.

With Grandpa Flanagan.

Our little family!

Eden and Daddy.

Russell and his mom.

Close up of Eden.

After her blessing outside the church. Her white dress stands out so much she looks like she's glowing!

The whole group....minus Holly who was taking the picture.

Had to get one with Holly in it. Too bad Caleb wasn't acting like he loved his wife!

All the men who blessed her. Rick, Grandpa Ahlstrom, Daddy, Uncle Caleb, and Grandpa Flanagan. Also in the circle were the Bishop and Second Counselor and the Stake President.

I REALLY, REALLY wanted a good picture of her cute little shoes, but she wouldn't cooperate at all. This is the best I got.

We are so glad to have wonderful little Eden in our lives. It seems like our family is complete now, at least for a little while. We love her so much and as much as I don't want her to grow up I am excited to see how she grows and what she will like to do when she gets older.


Coop Dog Flan said...

You put daddy as Grandpa Ahlstrom Shyla! haha

Julie said...

OH SHYLA! Eden is such a sweet little girl! Hopefully I'll get to meet her soon. I'm glad the weekend was so fun!