
Never-Ending Ironing

Day 35- Feb 4: As we were getting ready this morning, Russell said "I might need some shirts this week." This statement I guess proves his theory that "When I put a shirt in the ironing it doesn't come out for a month!" So tonight I lovingly ironed three of his shirts so he could make it through the week. The rest of the basket will have to wait until a more convenient time. I could make it easier on myself by not insisting that his shirts are ironed, but I can't have my husband wandering around looking anything but 100% put together! I guess I could teach him how to iron, but then I would have to convince him ironing is necessary first. He still manages to sneak some shirts upstairs without being ironed, especially when he does the laundry while I'm not home!


Lady in Waiting said...

Don't feel bad about the ironing. I don't iron till I discover I have no more scrubs that aren't seasonal or that a shirt I want isn't hanging up in the closet. Ironing always got done when mom used to tell us to iron our stuff each Saturday.

gravityguysgirl said...

Once I told Dad if he didn't wear it, it wouldn't end up in the ironing! That's when he started ironing his own stuff if I don't get it done. He much prefers when I iron the shirts because he gets little notes in the pockets, but he irons his own more ofter than not these days. He's even started using the starch on them!