
Threesomes Three

Day 241-Aug 29th: Russell had a boys game night tonight, so Holly and I went to Mania. I made a super cute Halloween mini album (pictures coming soon) and also won the grand prize, these cool Halloween paper lanterns! All in all, it was a great night, much better than one spent hidden upstairs while the boys slay monsters in the kitchen!

Day 240-Aug 28th: Russell was reading the Ensign the other day, and noticed a small blurb about a new Nursery manual. I went to the Distribution Center today and picked one up, it's awesome! The lessons are sooo much more geared toward the nursery kids and their attention span and aren't wanting us to go into all the details of scripture stories the kids have never heard of. It's going to be a great help.

Day 239-Aug 27th: I went and bought my books for the Fall semester today. About half of my classes say I don't need books, I guess we'll see if that's really true when they start. The big kicker was my $200 Business Law book, and don't worry, there weren't any used ones because it's a new edition!