
Picture of the Week Project

Instead of a picture-a-day this year, I've decided to do a picture of the week. And.....Russell has decided to take part in the project too!!!! So we are each going to take a picture of something cool each week and then post about them. We've started a joint blog to post them on so I won't be posting the picture of the week here.

Here is a link to our joint blog: http://blog.ahlstromology.com/

We might post other things there as well, but we will at least each post once a week with our picture.

I'm still keeping this blog though.....so keep on reading. I'll even try to keep having some good pictures now that I'm used to taking one a day anyway!

I'm excited to be doing another picture project.....and for Russell to use his bookbinding skills to make a book for us to put our pictures in at the end of the year.