
4 Months

At four months our little Britain doesn't seem so little anymore. She "talks" all the time and enjoys every single bit of attention she gets, especially from Eden! She laughs and laughs when Eden tickles her. Britain has come to LOVE bath time just as much as Eden did at this age. She gets fussy about 7pm, but as soon as she hears the bath water running she calms right down. She can roll over from her tummy to her back and has gotten much better at lifting her head to look around during tummy time instead of just laying and waiting for a back rub! She enjoys eating anything and everything she can get her hands on, or just her hands if there's nothing else! She loves to sit up, but can't do that by herself yet. Mommy finally bought a Bumbo so I don't have to hold her sitting up all day! Here's her four month stats:

  • 12 lbs 14 oz - 31st Percentile
  • 25.4 inches - 86th Percentile
  • 16 in head - 38th Percentile

Mammoth has found his way into Britain's crib. She loves to eat his tusks!

Excited to see Mammoth.

Hugs from Eden.

And a digital layout I put together from her photo shoot. Not my favorite, but it's a start.