Here. June 23rd. We really can't wait.
Russ and I went ring shopping last Thursday and Friday. I picked out a ring on Friday, and was pretty sure he went back Saturday morning while I was at work. The whole weekend he teased me and confused me. I had no idea by Saturday night what to believe, but I was sure he would propose on Monday. Monday came and went though, and I was disappointed. Tuesday I was sure it wouldn't happen since I had to work all afternoon and he had to clerk until late. He called me after clerking and we went to Chili's. He teased me the whole time about how he wanted to give me a ring but he couldn't find a ring pop anywhere in town. We didn't get dessert which was weird because we both love the Chocolate Molten Lava Cake. When we got back to his house he brought out two A&W mugs full of jelly beans. Mine had root beer, cream soda, and orange soda and he had 7Up, Dr. Pepper, and grape soda. We tried all of the flavors from each other's and then he said "that would be a great place to hide something." I thought he was joking because we had joked about places to hide rings but when I kept eating he said "no really that would be a great place to hide something." He got me a bowl because I had eaten dinner twice and there was no way I could eat all those jelly beans. When I poured them out though, there was nothing there! As I started to tell him how mean of a joke that was he slide off the couch and onto one knee. He had the ring in his pocket! I found out the next day he had had the box in his pocket the whole night, at Chili's and everything and I am just oblivious!
So...June 23rd in San Diego. We are super excited.
I did meet his mom and step-dad this past weekend too. We had dinner, played games, talked, and went on a drive and walk up the canyon. I really enjoyed meeting and getting to know them and can't wait to get down to Albuquerque and get to know them better.
We picked colors yesterday. Brown, pink, and white. Russ is in the process of making us a wedding website so everyone can see pictures, dates, news, etc. So when that is up and running I will post a link to it.
I'm excited for mom to come up this week and help me find a dress although I'm sure it will be hectic. I also can't wait for her to meet Russ!
San Diego
Posted by Shyla at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Pay Day
I always love to wake up every other Friday morning, read an email from Russ and then sign into my bank account and see money magically deposited there from Archiver's for my leisure use. I am trying to save though....for good reasons, but I am going to use some of today's wonderful deposit (which was more than I anticipated) to buy some cute new spring clothes.
Oh the joys of direct deposit.
Posted by Shyla at 7:28 AM 0 comments
What a Day
This was last Saturday, St. Patrick's Day. We went to Lyndsey's wedding luncheon and then to the Joseph Smith movie because Russ hadn't seen it and it never gets old for me. Especially the part at the end where they are playing Praise to the Man and showing scenes from his life.
After the movie we walked around temple square for a few minutes, and took this picture. It was a beautiful day, I am definately a fan of the recent warm weather.
Posted by Shyla at 9:32 PM 0 comments
Dr. Stice
Really I can't express how cool Dr. Stice is, it's one of those things you have to experience for yourself. This morning, I like him even more though.
When I got to Music 202 this morning I decided to look over the Accounting syllabus and make sure I knew when the quizzes were next week. Come to find out the next quiz wasn't on Monday, it was yesterday! So....knowing full well that I had probably just lost 10 points, I emailed Dr. Stice hoping for a miracle. I was completely honest in the fact that I'm dumb and didn't realize the quiz was yesterday and not Monday. Much to my surprise, he emailed me back a password so I can take it today before midnight!
I really do wish he taught every class I ever had to take. Just imagine Stice as a conductor. Well, maybe Caleb and I are the only ones who really can.
Posted by Shyla at 9:31 AM 1 comments
What a Day
The day started off terrible, but it ended up great!
Family life actually went fast for once, probably because for the first time in a few weeks we weren't talking about abuse or something sad. Then I ate a great donut with Caleb. I'm so glad he quit working in the mornings so that we can have our donut time again.
After BOM I took my Accounting test and it was seriously the hardest test I've ever taken. Not even close to the practice test really. So much for that plan. Then Russ and I did some research in the library for papers we should be writing but instead I'm typing this post.
Then, this really cute boy escorted me from the library to my apartment! I've never had that happen before.
I decided this morning when I woke up angry with the world that I would go to the temple today, no matter what. So I called the apartment and left a message for Jennifer hoping that she would go with me. When I got home we decided to go at 7 so we got ready and as we left the apartment Jennifer checked her recommend and it expired two weeks ago! So....I went by myself. There were lots of people so it took an hour and a half, but it's exactly what I needed. Time to relax, be calm, and think about things. I thought while I was there that I should go every Tuesday while Russell is clerking, but I'm not sure I can fit that in. Maybe every other week or so. I could have stayed there all night, it has definately been too long between temple visits.
I ended the night with a date to Caleb's floor hockey game. They lost, but it was a great game! And now Russ knows more about hockey too, although he didn't ask quite as many questions as at the concert.
Hmm....I guess that's it. More later.
Posted by Shyla at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Life keeps going, and going, and going....
School does not want to stop in order for me to date. I don't like that much at all. I did however go to the cardiologist on Wednesday and found out that I'm not going to die, so that's good.
Here's some dating highlights from this week.
We went to the Night of Concertos at the Music School and it was great! Russell was a very inquisitive guest, but now he knows a lot more about symphonies. We went to Sonic afterward. I'm glad that he likes Sonic as much as I do!
We went to the stake silent movie on Friday night, and then went on a great walk around campus which included the Eyring Science Center. I had never gone inside there so it was pretty neat.
Saturday and Sunday we've gone to Stake Conference. Elder Bednar was there reorganizing our Stake Presidency so it was great! I could have listened to him for hours. I always like it when apostles come and speak with personality, it's a reminder that they really are just normal people.
Hmmm...I know there was something else to write about, but I got distracted by thinking about how great stake conference was.
Oh yeah, it was that I made the mistake of sustaining Russ as the Stake Clerk in conference, now I have to let him go do his clerk thing on Tuesday nights! What was I thinking???
Posted by Shyla at 9:45 PM 0 comments
In a Pickle
So I have a paper for Music 202 that is due on the 19th. Some might say that I still have plenty of time, and I guess I do, but I have not had a lightbulb moment yet. I know kind of what I want to write, and I have looked up some things on the internet but I haven't come up with a great way to set the whole thing up.
I do on the other hand have faith that it will come, I just don't like the "I have no idea what I'm doing" feeling that pervades my existance in the meantime.
Posted by Shyla at 4:14 PM 0 comments
I've been super productive today, but now that I have been going for over twelve hours it is wearing off a little. There's definately still things I could accomplish though. I'm glad I've found my groove again though, for a few weeks I haven't been able to motivate myself to do much of any school work which is not like me at all.
Sooo...bring on the homework. (not really, I already have more than enough!)
Posted by Shyla at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Yesterday was a great Saturday. I worked from 8:30-12:30 but there really was no one in the store for most of that time. I stocked the cardstock, adhevsives, pens, and inkpads which was actually not as bad as I thought it would be. At least it made the time go by faster than just standing around doing nothing.
One little girl came in with her mom and they were getting ready to register for a pageant. She was four and had a cute little dress on. Heather was ringing up her mom's things and she started talking to me. She said "look at my coat, it has soft fur on the inside." I responded with "Wow, that's really cool." She said "your's doesn't," which she doesn't really know since I wasn't wearing my coat, but oh well. I said "nope, mine doesn't" and she said "you wish it did." All I could say was "Yup, I do." She was so cute.
Russ and I went to the Mac Lab after work and imported my two Bump videos and Teddy Bears Picnic onto his laptop so we could make DVD's. Then we went to Build-a-Bear. I made him a pirate named Captain Rahlstrom and he made me a knight in shining armor! They are super cute. Here's my knight.I'll have to add a picture of his pirate later. We went to Archiver's after because Keera told me I had to, and I wanted him to meet people that I knew would be there!
I'm off to do some indexing before church so that Rachel will still like me!
Posted by Shyla at 10:14 AM 0 comments
It really could stop snowing and I would be fine with that. So if the universe wants to make me happy, that is what would happen. Don't get me wrong, I love snow, but it has snowed every day this week and I could use a break!
Posted by Shyla at 9:22 AM 0 comments
The World is Against Me
It seems that the world is against me this morning. I woke up with a stomach ache so I decided to go back to bed because I could either miss class or work but not both.
Then when I woke up at ten all I wanted to do was write an email to Russell, but the Gmail server is down! UGH.
And.....apparently it costs more to cancel my utilities checks than I actually wrote the checks for. So I'm writing new checks and playing a waiting game to see if the others ever actually get through the bank.
I did however figure out plane reservations to go home at the end of the semester with my Dad so that's good. Now hopefully he'll be in town for more than one day while I'm home!
Posted by Shyla at 11:31 AM 1 comments