Day 212-July 31st: Chinese! My first time having chinese was at P.F. Chang's the night I met Russell's mom and step-dad, and I loved it! We went tonight because I convinced Russell that I could "pre-order" our August date! Sometimes I feel like I got jipped for about 20 years of my life because I didn't know I liked chinese, but at least now I know. The problem is I crave it ALL the time.
Day 211-July 30th: I got this super cute purse at Russell's mom's store while we were there last weekend. I bought all but one of the pin packs to go with it. My favorite pin is the "Stud Muffin" one, and I got TWO of them! Keera saw my purse on my desk in the back when the FedEx guy was there today and was explaining to him how cute it was. Haha. He told her to "put the purse down."
Day 210-July 29th: I enjoyed some of these cookies today, they are the best Oreo's I have ever had. Russell picked them up one day because he loves to try all the kinds of Oreo's (and everything else really) and I LOVED them. Russell doesn't get many when we buy them. And they are especially good for breakfast! (Just Kidding!)
Oreo Fudgees
Posted by Shyla at 10:01 PM 2 comments
Angel Fire Weekend - The Details
Russell and I spent July 23-July 27 in Angel Fire, New Mexico. We went down to help his mom get her computer network in her new store set up.
We got into town late Wednesday night, after a long wait at the airport in Salt Lake (because we didn't want to come home from work and then turn around and drive to Salt Lake), a flight, and a long drive up to Angel Fire from Albuquerque (about 3 hours).
The next morning we headed down to the store, which looks amazing. They had most everything moved from the old store and had the main floor set up nicely. Russell messed around on the computers while I helped with moving files and whatever else needed to be done. I made meatloaf for dinner and we played Pandemic that night with his mom and Rachel. I think that's his favorite game as of right now, but he didn't think they liked it as much as him. We were all tired though, which could have lessened the excitement.
Friday I spent most of the day inputting items into the POS system and receiving some new orders for the store. It was fairly different from the POS at Archiver's, but it was awesome to learn how to do it and see how the different programs do things. Russell did more things on the computer, that's about all I know. That night I made Chicken Deliciouses for dinner and we played Mystery Rummy with mom. Mystery Rummy is one of my favorites lately, it's simple and fun!
Saturday we helped move the last few things from the old store into the new. I helped move all the boxes into the storage room and all the furniture into the showroom downstairs. It was a lot of back and forth, but we got it done. The computers did something crazy that morning and Russell spent all day fixing them. We got home that night and just went to bed.
Sunday morning we dropped the things off at the store that we forgot were in the car, and Russell was supposed to change one little thing on the computer to make it run faster, but he decided to get fancy and broke everything....again. Luckily he fixed it in an hour this time since we had to be at the airport.
We love going down to Angel Fire and appreciate Russell's Mom flying us down (even if it is to work!) It's great to get a break from Utah and our everyday jobs and to see family.
Upcoming trips are to San Francisco for a Web Convention in August and Houston/Orlando for Christmas with my family at Disneyworld!
Posted by Shyla at 9:34 PM 0 comments
More Pictures....Details Still Coming Soon
Day 209-July 28th: After work today we went to help Rachel finish moving into her apartment and moving Russell's mom's stuff into a storage unit. The new owners move into their house on the 31st. It will be weird not to stop by there anymore. It took a few trips, but we got Rachel all moved and found a place for everything that needed to be out of the house.
Day 208-July 27th: We stopped at Rachel's on our way home from the airport to pick up a book that was Russell's, and since Rachel is moving into her apartment she gave me her mac box! I LOVE mac boxes! They are perfect for storing scrapbook paper! (well, maybe not perfect, but perfect for someone who can't afford anything fancy!)
Day 207-July 26th: I left with a few things from the store, as always, and this neat cloth bag. You get a cloth bag if you spend over $50. I got a new teddy bear named Edison, some lotion, lemonade, sugar cookie mix, and a purse with little pins.
Posted by Shyla at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Quick Pictures, Details Coming Soon
Day 206-July 25th: We came to Angel Fire to help get the new Aldura store up and running, and that's just what we did. I spent most of the day today inputting items into the POS system, and Russell was networking, networking, networking! Here's a picture of the new store, it looks great!
Day 205-July 24th: Doctor wanted to fly up to Angel Fire from Albuquerque, but I was not so into that idea. I've heard crazy stories of him flying. So we drove up the night before and he did a fly-by in the morning! Here he is in his plane flying right past the back of there house. Maybe I will be brave and fly with him one of these days!
Day 204-July 23rd: We got to Angel Fire late tonight, but we made it. It was a long day. A few days ago there was bears on the front porch of the house there, so Russell and I were afraid that there would be a bear on the porch when we got there since it was about 11:30pm, but there weren't any thankfully! There were bear prints on the back door though! I couldnt' get a good picture of them, so I took a picture of this bear in the living room instead.
Posted by Shyla at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Scrapbook Success
Here's the two layout's I did on Tuesday featuring our 4th of July festivities.
And the layout I finished, plus one that's not quite finished from Mania Friday night! The swimming one is done with Archiver's exclusive paper and embellishments that are super cute.
Posted by Shyla at 8:43 PM 1 comments
A Grand Weekend
Day 203-July 22nd: We are leaving for Angel Fire tomorrow for the weekend so Russell can get his mom's computer's networked in her store. We always take games with us, and here is Russell's preparation for the trip. The games all come out of boxes and into bags so we can take more with us! The more the merrier!
Day 202-July 21st: Jordann went with Russell this morning to try and get into EFY, and Gma and Gpa stayed and visited with me. She called at 1:15 or so and got in! I couldn't believe it, but she was sure all along. We took her suitcase up to her, and I ended up bringing her and her roommate sheets later that day and towels the next morning, but I think she's all set now. Gma and Gpa headed up to Logan after that. We had a great time with them and are glad they came, but I was also glad to come home and see just Russell tonight. We were ready for some alone time.
Day 201-July 20th: Happy Birthday Cymbre! She's double digits now! Today we went to church, chatted, and taught Gma and Jordann how to play Ticket to Ride while Gpa took a nap. Gma almost beat us all! The second game we quit helping her!! Then tonight Caleb and Holly came over to visit for a while after dinner.
Day 200-July 19th: My Grandparents and Cousin came tonight! Gma and Gpa are visiting family in Utah, and Jordann came with them to see if she could get into EFY this week. Russell and I gave our bed to Gma and Gpa, but forgot to snag our fan from the bedroom. So....we went on a 11pm trip to Walmart to get a fan and Rachel's house to get her air mattress! Jordann came with us, it was a fun little trip.
Day 199-July 18th: Russell had some guys over tonight to play boy games, so I went to Mania again! Holly came with me, and it turned out to be a popular night to go. A group of 7 of us ended up pulling tables together, and we had an awesome time. Here's a picture of our workspace. I'll have to take pictures of the pages I did, and those I did on Tuesday with Keera.
Posted by Shyla at 8:08 PM 0 comments
4 Pictures of the Day and 1 Tired Shyla
Day 198-July 17th: Lately even if I'm starving, nothing sounds good to eat. Russell offered to take me to Sonic tonight, and even though I wasn't convinced we went. Once I got there though, and remembered how wonderful their root beer is....and the popcorn chicken with honey mustard, I was all good. Thank heavens for something that tasted good.
Day 197-July 16th: Today was my day off, and I'm not used to having weekdays off anymore, usually I have Saturday. Anyway....I didn't do much other than read this entire book! I've read the two books Russell bought me on Saturday already! I did go up and hang out with Holly, Julie, Shelley, and baby James for a while, and say hi to Russell at work. That was about all, I wasn't feeling good most of the day so it was rather lazy.
Day 196-July 15th: I cropped with Keera after work today, and we had a GREAT time! We have vowed to crop at least once a month. It's great to go on a weeknight because then we don't have to pay the mania fee....which means there's more money to spend on things from the store, right Russell? Keera worked on her book she started for Eric like a year ago, and I worked on some 4th of July pages. I got to use the tote Russell bought me for our anniversary too! It is awesome! And...we went on a field trip to Pebbles in My Pocket. Megan called us traitors, but we ignored her and went anyway.....and we got suckers while we were there too!
Day 195-July 14th: I hurt my knee when I went running today. I'm not quite sure how, but I noticed it hurting after I had rested and took a shower. Then it hurt more and more as I was up on it all day. Ugh. It's not bruised or swollen though, so I guess I will wait it out.
Posted by Shyla at 8:24 PM 1 comments
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Posted by Shyla at 4:56 PM 4 comments
Cupcakes for New Neighbors and Old Friends
Day 194-July 13th: Today we made cupcakes to take to our new neighbors. I know, that's definitely something we wouldn't normally do, but we are trying to be more social and get to know people....and.....we know they have games and like to play! Anyway, they seem really nice. We are going to try and have them over sometime this week once I know when we are going to take family pictures, and she invited us over on Saturday for a house warming party! Should be fun to get to know them. Then we took some cupcakes up to Larkin and Allyson. We hadn't seen them in a while, and we definitely didn't need 24 cupcakes to ourselves! We visited for over an hour! It's always so fun to hang out with them. We decided on the way home that we will kidnap them and the babies in April so that they cannot move away. That or we will just move wherever they are moving!
Day 193-July 12th: I didn't have to work today which was great. I slept in longer than I should (but not as long as Russell!), cleaned the house, then Russell and I went out front to wash our windows and get all the cobwebs off our rock. As we were doing this, our new neighbors were moving in. We talked to them for a minute, and then later heard them say something about board games! So Russell asked what they liked to play, and they like Puerto Rico, Carcassonne, and others that we like! What great neighbors. Their parents were helping them move in, and his Dad noticed that our wooden support beam (that is really just for decoration) was split apart and asked me about it. I told him it had been that way since we moved in and Russell and I were just discussing how to best fix it. Then he said "If I had a screw I would fix it for you." I assumed that meant he didn't have one and thanked him for the offer, but then a couple seconds later he came back with a screw and his drill and put it right in! It was great! In the picture it's fixed, but the curved part used to be not attached to the straight part coming out of the house.
Posted by Shyla at 10:00 PM 2 comments
Thin Mint Therapy
Day 192-July 11th: Last night while I was watching The Parent Trap on ABC Family, there was a commercial from Dairy Queen advertising a Girl Scout Thin Mint Blizzard! We both saw the commercial, and knew we HAD to try it, so that's where we went tonight after an outing to see our friend's new baby, get a polo shirt for family pictures, and check out the latest at the Quilted Bear. was great! Although, in a perfect world there would be more cookie chunks in it, but I guess Girl Scout cookies are expensive, even if you are a big company. I will definitely have to get another before the "limited time" runs out!
Other pictures from today:We finally got the best ladder kit ever! Too bad it's AFTER the 4th of July! Oh well, at least they finally had more and we got three, don't worry Mom and Sis.
And....can you find what's out of place in this picture. Yeah....those ghosts came home with us from Quilted Bear. As Russell put them in the car he said "You cannot touch my ghosts." I think this might be because I don't let him touch my mammoth. Anyway, he put them there on the entertainment center as soon as we got home.'s not quite Halloween time. I'm trying to appease him by letting them stay there tonight.
Posted by Shyla at 9:57 PM 2 comments
Is This Really Work?
Day 191-July 10th: So today I got to work and our district manager, Noelle, was there....Surprise! It's always great when she comes, she's always fun to be around! In fact...Keera and I think she should just work here with us! Anyway, once I was done receiving today I did some plan-o-grams and then worked on making this little accordian book sample. I only got the first page done, but it's super cute so far! It's so easy to make, just a bunch of envelopes glued together! of the best parts of work is when I get to make samples I want to!
Posted by Shyla at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Running With David Archuleta
Day 190-July 9th: I went running outside today, and found out I'm pretty pathetic, once again. When I was running with Rachel several months ago I was starting to get a lot better...even Rachel said so. But now I am back to my pathetic self. Hopefully if I keep it up I will get better again. But...maybe I need to do it more than twice a week.....Rachel??? Anyway...the good part about running was David Archuleta was singing to me the WHOLE time. Thanks to my trusty iPod. Thanks honey! It was a great wedding present!
Posted by Shyla at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Sucked In
Day 189-July 8th: So I couldn't resist this one today while I was at Target! I was looking for a present for our friend who just had a baby girl....but then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw these jammies, and really what was there to do? I really did try and talk myself out of them...I mean, they weren't even on sale....but I was unsuccessful. Luckily, Russell thinks they are as cute as I do and agreed it was a needed purchase. Now if only we had a little one to put them on an snuggle. One of these days.....
Posted by Shyla at 7:40 PM 1 comments
Work it Out
Day 188-July 7th: Today I started working out for HEPE. I've needed a jump-start to get a workout program going, and HEPE might be just the thing since I have to to it for 6 weeks in the class. I decided for the class I would run Monday's and Wednesday's and do Aerobic Dance on the Wii Fit on Friday's. I think I might start using the bowflex on Tuesday's and Thursday's just because though. Or maybe I will run more than just two days a week. We'll see how it goes. I ran on the Wii Fit this morning, but I think I like running somewhere better than in one place, so I will try outside on Wednesday. I've got to go get an iPod thingy so I can listen to music while I run. Russell's gotten back into the working out too since we've got the Wii Fit. Although, he decided that the Wii Fit is not serious enough....which it probably isn' he's going to do the bowflex MWF and the Wii Fit TTH. That's the plan stan!
Posted by Shyla at 7:24 PM 0 comments
Not in the Mood
So I really just haven't been in the mood to blog.....or do much of anything....the last few days, but here's a picture and blurb at least.Day 187-July 6th: After dinner at Grandma's tonight we went over to Caleb and Holly's to look through some books they are getting rid of and found all these treasures! They will definitely help to boost our reading worm count without having to buy any new books!
Day 186-July 5th: I usually take the Vue to work on Saturday's because I love to drive it, but I decided this morning that we really should be saving money where we can, and driving my car would help. So I did, even though it's not as nice as the Vue, it does cost $20 less to fill up! So...I'm determined to teach Russell to drive it so we can take it most places for as long as it lasts or until gas prices drop down again.
Day 185-July 4th: We had a great Independence Day. We hung out with Holly and Caleb, Rick and Shelley, Julie, and Grandma Chatfield all day. We had some awesome sandwiches for lunch, played some games, went swimming, had a BBQ for dinner (including s'mores!) and then headed up the mountain to watch the fireworks. The festivities started at noon and we got home about 11:30pm, so it was quite a long day, but definitely fun! I wasn't even close to hungry when dinner came around, but I managed to eat some dinner and two s'mores! That's room for what's important. Sandwiches on fresh rolls and s'mores!
Day 184-July 3rd: After working all day today I went to get a haircut in preparation for the family pictures we want to take within the next couple of weeks, and then we went to the grocery store. I had had a popsicle when I was visiting McCall the other day and decided we needed some, so this is what we got. They are rather delicious if I do say so myself.
Posted by Shyla at 8:54 PM 0 comments
3-Day Review
So I've actually been kind of busy the last few days, which is why I haven't posted. So here's an update of the last 3 days.Day 183-July 2nd: These little cars are on one of the bookshelves in our room and everytime I see them I remember the first time Russell said "I Love You" to me. We were watching Cars and he said it during the part when Sally and Lightning are taking a drive through nature. Sometime after that I found these cars and bought them, and now they sit side-by-side on our bookshelf all the time!
Day 182-July 1st: This morning I was playing some songs from the primary songbook on the piano and started thinking about all the songs I've sung since I was little about going to the temple, being married there, and having an eternal family. Then I started thinking about how long I had waited to do that, and how great that day just over a year ago was, and how great it is to have the knowledge of eternal families. I can't wait to teach my own children about the temple, help them learn those songs, and encourage them to get there someday. I hope that all my sisters and my siblings-in-law get to have that great experience too.
This evening I got to go up to American Fork and visit with McCall, my former YW President and one of my best friends. I hadn't seen her in over a year and it was great to get caught up! Her tiny baby is 1 now! Her boys are growing up so fast, they are definitly not the little ones I babysat a few years ago! But...her oldest is going to play the violin in the middle school orchestra next year, which I do have to say is the best choice! We had a great time chatting and catching up on life's events. I wish we lived closer together. Maybe one of these days! Until then we will have to try and be better about not leaving town when the other one comes to town!Day 181-June 30th: We got our Wii Fit today!!! In between doing physical science lesson and trying to figure out what I needed to start HEPE, and finishing the ironing that I had started before I went to work, we tried it out! It's really fun, but much, much easier when the balance board is facing the right direction! We had it backwards to begin with. So far, my Wii Fit age is 25.....which is not bad considering I never exercise. I'm really good at the ski-jumping, where I had a 188 meter jump!
Posted by Shyla at 9:26 PM 0 comments